Womb Honour Immersion

My story


Every time that I get to bring this Immersion to my community I get excited because it means that more and more women are giving themselves permission to step into their power and activate their feminine essence, through healing, re-connecting and releasing.

This offering came to me a few years ago, in the midst of a time when I was least expecting. It literally stopped me in my tracks and has been asking of my embodiment within ever since! 

I know for me, my womb healing journey came about when I was experiencing really painful periods, was so disconnected to myself and endured birth trauma from the birth of my first baby. Within all that came a moment of 'there has to be something more'. Which has ultimately led me to this very path of re-connection, healing and awakening.

So I see & witness you in where you're at right now. But know, there is hope and with your willingness to join me for 8 weeks to uncover the learnings, lessons and tools that I know will be so beneficial for not just your cycle but your whole life!


For when we begin to journey within the creatrix of our wombs, our innate power begins to emerge from within.


I can't wait to have you join us for an incredible 8 weeks. Check out the details below for more info.

What is this magic?

Womb Honour is an 8 week journey, which will give you all you need to get started on your own womb healing journey.

This immersion is your invitation to re-connect & honour your womb.

To deepen your connection to self, to heal and clear trauma's and stagnant energy from within, empowering you to activate your womb space and re-discover your innate power, intuition & wisdom.



Over this 8 week online immersion, you will learn:

How to connect you in to your womb, activate parts of your soul that have been dormant and support you to unleash you divine feminine essence.

This is your place to start if your starting out on your womb healing journey!

But there’s more!
Over the course of our time together you’ll get to know the intricacies of your womb, with anatomy, mindset around sensual pleasure, tap into your menstrual cycle power and Rites of Passage.

Along with bonus modules for conscious conception, birthing trauma, Mother wounding & sexual shame healing.



Because over time we have been so conditioned to
 suppress, obey and diminish our power as women.

In my opinion, this is why we are experiencing more and more menstrual cycle imbalances & conditions, fertility challenges, pregnancy losses and illnesses.

Coming together with other women, creates the sacred space to unravel, explore and re-write our stories, as it was meant to be. Empowering you to reclaim and expand on your own journey.

This is journey open to all women, regardless of where you're at on your womb healing journey.



8 Weeks
6 Online Modules
4 Live Ceremonial Calls Online
2 Q & A Sessions

Starting Tuesday January 16th at 11am (Adelaide time),
we'll be joining online together to set our intentions and open our space together.

  • The 6 foundational modules are pre-recorded, Landing each week, so you can carve out some time throughout the week to watch and integrate. These will be around 30-60 minutes each week. The topics include: 
  1. The intricacies of the womb - Looking at the foundations of your anatomy.
  2. Blood Rites - menstrual cycle awareness and igniting the power within.
  3. Rites of passage and how to honour all seasons.
  4. Sacred Healing & Your Feminine Essence.
  5. Womb rituals
  6. Reclamation of Self
  • The 4 Ceremonial Calls are LIVE and will be held on weeks 2,4,6 & 8.
  • This is your opportunity to come together with the other womben and sit in sacred (virtual) space and share what came up for you in the modules and have the opportunity to be held and honoured as you re-calibrate to a new frequency and up-level within yourself. These are often raw, real and deeply nourishing. I anticipate these session will go for around 2 hours. Times to be considered amongst the group.
  • Then we’ll have 2 Q&A sessions on week 3 & 7, so you can bring all your questions, seek further insight, guidance, receive intuitive readings and more throughout these sessions. They’re great, as often you maybe thinking about something and someone will ask anyway or see it as an opportunity to learn even more. These will be around 60-90 minutes on a Tuesday also. Times TBC.
  • We will then have a Final Closing Call to honour your journey and celebrate you! 
  • Throughout this time together, I’ll have a private FB group for you, where all the modules will be held, additional bonuses and a space to come into, to share your insights, ask questions and more. (if you’re not on FB you will be sent the recordings and modules via email). 

Let's Talk Investment:

 I desire for this Immersion to be affordable for every woman! As I believe that we all deserve to tap into our infinite power and re-connect to our sovereign feminine self!

For 8 weeks of resources, live ceremonial and educational calls, bonus modules and activations within this Immersion is valued at over $1,200!
Along with deep connection with other women who are also on their Womb Awakening Journey is priceless.

Join now for only


I know! This is an absolute no brainer to join us now, as the price will increase for my next round. 
*Payment plans are available if required. Just reply to this email and I'll get that sorted for you. 


So, currently, for as little as $43 per week you can join us over the course of 7 Ceremonial calls, 6 in depth modules, that I know will be a divine contribution on your womb healing journey and activating parts of yourself that are feeling the call to emerge. And bonus modules and Womb Healing Activations! 
What are you waiting for?? 

I can't wait to have you join us..

Meet your Facilitator:

Hi, I'm Kirstie, 

A Midwife, Doula, Sacred Space Holder, Womb Hara Massage Therapist, Intuitive healer, Psychic Channel, Matrescence Mentor & Mama. 

Throughout my journey as a Midwife over the past 14 years, I have come to see that I am here to support women to awaken their wombs, reclaim their power, honour all rites of passage and hold space for the new paradigm of our world.

It took me to experience PND, Anxiety and debilitating periods to begin to tap into my innate womb power and reclaim my feminine essence & souls gifts.

I am here to be a contribution to disentangle us from the old patriarchal society and anchor in the new frequency of Feminine Leadership, so that our children & children's children can thrive. It's big, it's juicy and it's necessary.

By supporting women this way, I am leading my life's passions and innate soul truth of what I'm here to do. So I hope that you feel that too.
As I know that this is just the beginning. 

Kirstie xx 


  1. Can anyone join? A: Yes, anyone of any age can join. There's something for every woman in this immersion.
  2. What exactly is Womb Healing? A: Womb healing is an energy based theraputic 
  3. Is there a payment plan option? A: Yes, if you're finding it difficult at this time of year to invest in yourself, then please reach out to organise. 
  4. What happens if I don't have Facebook? A: Great question! All replays and additional modules will be sent via email each week. 
  5. What happens if I can't make one of the live calls? A: I get it! All calls will be recorded and sent out within 24 hours to your email.
  6. How many hours do I need to allow for each week? A: The modules will aim to be 30-60 minutes in length for 6 weeks. For our live Ceremonial calls allow up to 2 hours, which will be in the evening. (Adelaide time).
  7. What is the refund policy? A: Due to the special offering price there will be no refunds issued. Good to note also, that you have access to these modules for 12 months, so you can always revisit the content within that time frame, if you can't within the 8 weeks. 
  8. Where are the calls hosted? A: The calls will be held on Zoom and the Modules will be uploaded into a Facebook group, with emails sent weekly. 

Find me on Socials here: